It’s been a year, hasn’t it? Not quiet as explosive and surprisingly as the first half of 2012 was (21 Jump Street, The Hunger Games, The Avengers, etc… had come and gone by this point last year) but it’s still been a good year? What makes 2013 so exciting for me though is the 2nd half of the year. There I can’t wait. But I digress. Above is my Top 5 of the year and in order. Let’s begin:
5. Spring Breakers
You either loved it or hated it. Totally get it. I loved it.
4. Monsters University
I originally had Evil Dead in this spot and while I loved that movie, there was just something I really loved about Monsters University. Is it a little lazy? Sure. Too kiddish? Maybe. But when it works, it’s classic Pixar. I loved the story, I loved the visuals (Sulley’s fur was mesmerizing at times) and it just has so much heart.
3. Fast 6
This list is a hot mess and I know that. Who would have thought, that, 100 years ago, when the Fast & Furious franchise started it would not only still be around, but become more credible as the franchise went on. I liked both Iron Man 3 and Star Trek 2, of course, but Fast 6 was everything I wanted and more. It is ridiculous, YES, I know this, but IT also knows this and relishes in that fact. I can’t ignore how much fun this movie was.
2. This Is The End
I saw this two weeks ago and it’s still stuck with me and is as fresh now as it was then. It’s silly, it’s stupid, it’s ridiculous, it’s smart, it’s f-cking hilarious.
1. The Conjuring
WHO KNEW? What a twist! Check out my review here.
Honorable mentions: Evil Dead, Star Trek 2, Much Ado About Nothing and, obviously, The Call.
Tagged: Avengers, Fast & Furious, Fast & The Furious 6, Hunger Games, Monster University, Monsters, pixar, Spring Breakers, Sulley, the conjuring, This Is the End